Virtual Consulting

C&A Expert Consultants via Email, Phone & Videoconference

Virtual Consulting

When healthcare accreditation and regulatory compliance needs are pressing — professional, reliable and trustworthy expertise is just a call or click away. Virtual consulting is a convenient service that utilizes phone, email, video-chatting and video-conferencing to meet the needs of every organization.

This service can be used when needed at key times in your accreditation cycle. Or, use it throughout the year to resolve issues as they unfold, not just during survey time. We set your organization up with a plan that allows hours of access that works for your budget. Our expert consultants help your team navigate particular needs while guiding you down the path to regulatory and accreditation success.

Virtual consulting is a great option for Q&A sessions, confidential document review and bringing our consultant to your team meetings when they can’t be on site with you. Best of all, virtual consulting is flexible and versatile!

Virtual Support

When Travel is Limited – Go Virtual!

Review of Documents




Medical Record Reviews

And More

Ready to get started? Request a proposal today.

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