Soar2Success Survey Tool: Track, Assess, and Improve Standards

A Survey Tool Designed for our Clients to Assess and Manage Identified Areas for Improvement

Information and Tools at Your Fingertips

The regulatory and accreditation arena continues to change.  Having meaningful information available to you quickly after your mock survey is essential.  Using the newly enhanced software provided by our S2S+ mock survey tool, clients can obtain real-time mock survey outcomes for their organization.

Our newly enhanced software provides detailed information from the results of your mock survey:

  • Priority Matrix: Brand new to our software, designed to assist Leaders in identifying and prioritizing those areas that create the greatest risk from both a regulatory/accreditation perspective and from a safety perspective.
  • Detailed Reports: Organized by chapter, identifies in detail the observations that resulted in the identification of the improvement opportunity or deficiency.
  • Client Action Planning Workbook: Using the features of Excel worksheets, your report will auto-populate into a client action planning workbook that can be utilized independent of our software platform.  This allows easy sharing of the report findings but also allows the organization to track assigned accountabilities, assigned due dates and actions determined to be necessary to achieve improvement.
  • Accrediting Organizations:  Recognizing that organizations may utilize different accrediting organizations for different aspects of the organization, our software now accommodates TJC, CIHQ, DNV, AAAHC, AAAASF, Quad A and other accrediting organizations.
  • Quick- Turn around: The software allows our consultants to deliver consistent, easy to use information to your organization so that targeted improvement actions can begin quickly with reports provided to clients consistently within 6 business days.

Through our secure, confidential client portal organizations will be able to:

View the executive summary of your mock survey or focused survey completed by the C&A consulting team.

Use the Priority Matrix to identify high, moderate, and low-risk areas of risk for mitigation.

View detailed findings of your mock survey or focused survey.

Print the Priority Matrix as well as the Mock Survey report.

Ready to get started? Request a proposal today.

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