
Safety Briefings for Survey Teams

Ensuring you have a safe work environment is paramount; this includes during an actual regulatory survey.  In January 2023, the Joint Commission established that an informal presentation to the survey team is provided during the opening session of a survey that would include a review of any actual or potential safety concerns that may be encountered during their survey of the facility.  This could include any workplace violence risks, fire/smoke/water leaks, weather-related risks, and any other safety-related incidents.  Additionally, this short brief will provide guidance on how the survey team should respond to any risks.  We observe that clients struggle to include this in their mock survey opening sessions.  This would consist of not having someone designated to provide the brief or having possible content scripted to provide efficient delivery of potential risks.  We encourage organizations that use the Joint Commission as an accrediting organization to consult with the current Survey Activity Guide for more details.  Other organizations should consider implementing a briefing for their survey teams or other visiting organizations to ensure the safety of their guests.

Courtemanche & Associates specializes in Healthcare Accreditation and Regulatory Compliance Consulting Services. With over 29 years of being in business and 100+ years of healthcare experience amongst our consulting team, we are ready to assist with your accreditation and regulatory compliance needs.

Please contact Courtemanche and Associates for questions at  704-573-4535 or info@courtemanche-assocs.com.

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