On September 6, 2023, CMS released QSO 23-14-NLTC which announces the post-Public Health Emergency resumption of Validation Surveys. But note, the process will be very different than years past. The Validation Process will consist of a CONCURRENT Observation Process.
According to the QSO, a CMS National Survey Contractor will send a survey team to be present and observe the Accrediting Agencies survey team execute their survey. NOTE: There will not be any type of a secondary report from the National Survey Contractor as the purpose of their presence is to assess the performance of the Accrediting Agency.
Several types of organizations are exempt from the Validation process at this time. To determine if your organization is exempt, or to read all the details, please access QSO 23-14 Resumption of Validation Surveys. And remember, Courtemanche & Associates is always here to support your organization.
Please contact Courtemanche and Associates for questions or assistance in maintaining continuous survey readiness at 704-573-4535 or info@courtemanche-assocs.com.