VHA Workplace Violence Prevention Program Policy

This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) directive provides policy and responsibilities for a VHA Workplace Violence Prevention Program (WVPP).

Document Overview:

This Veteran Health Administration (VHA) directive establishes policy and responsibilities for the development, management and administration of the VHA Workplace Violence Prevention Program (WVPP). It assigns workplace violence prevention responsibilities to all levels of management and provides for a VHA Central Office point of coordination for these activities within the organization.

This purpose is consistent with VHA’s longstanding commitment to a culture of safety and security, and to adherence to existing safety and security regulations and standards, in all places where VHA work is conducted.

Copyright & Disclaimers:

©Courtemanche & Associates
Regulatory Information may change over time as healthcare expectations change. This document is current as of the date noted within the document footer.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Hospital
Tags: Patient Rights, Patient Safety
Downloads: 66
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